Old Problems, New Technology. Why Bother…Now?

A challenging obstacle to overcome when deciding to implement something new is “why bother?”. Even when the known existing process is painful, inconsistent, error-prone and expensive it is hard to consider, validate and execute a change. We understand.

At Rivur we will work for you to onboard existing projects mid-stream (~60 minutes to done), new projects with an approved budget (<10 minutes), spec budgets you’re working on (<5 minutes), and your entire catalog of project history (let’s talk!).

We built a system to do this work. We’ll get you online in minutes. It’s easy to try right now.
— Max Ellerhorst, Co-Founder, Rivur.com

Now is an opportune time to try your projects on Rivur. Big things are happening in Saas, #CRETech, data and analytics. These advances give options, scale, capability and capacity beyond linear growth and operational planning. You can easily try tools and techniques that deliver next-level potential right now! How exciting! At Rivur, we are flexible, have a simple fee model, and immediately deliver access, results and impact. Please give us a try today. If we’re not right for you, choose again and continue to adapt and evolve. We’ll part as friends.

Modern Motivators

As food for thought, here is a list of modern motivators to consider as you evaluate new business tools and software. Times are changing along with the workforce, locations where work happens, employee satisfaction measurements and the ROI measurement on change initiatives.

  • Employee Experience & Productivity - Rivur empowers effective employees

  • Modernized Processes & Team Augmentation - Rivur processes change at the unit level in a complete, multi-organization process

  • Innovation & Collaboration - Act and execute with urgency on change initiatives

  • Technological Capabilities & Expectations - Reset your horizons and expect more from your tools

  • Data-Driven Decisions & Prediction-Powered Strategies - Minimize reactions and plan for what you can reasonably expect

  • Business Insights & Intelligence - merge the small picture with the big picture

I’d love to discuss, schedule a demo, and otherwise connect with you!

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