Data Integrations with Rivur


Confidently assemble the solution of your choice leveraging Rivur. As a central hub of construction project management and accounting data, Rivur offers options to manage a controlled and secure data flow to and from Rivur. Whether you are using third-party software vendors or custom-developed applications, Rivur will help you join together a specialized, integrated system that will help you reach your business goals.

Rivur seeks to become an integral part of how our customers work and an efficient partner to other systems. We actively engage with customers to develop custom datasets and data outputs to meet the complete needs of other systems and business processes. It is reasonable to expect that any and all information created on and stored in Rivur is available for use and output. Also, any files, analysis, aggregations and calculations on data stored in Rivur are available for use and output.

I’d love to discuss, schedule a demo, and otherwise connect with you!

By Roger Lake

By Roger Lake

Integration Types & Options

In addition to output Integrations (i.e. data from Rivur to Client), we are also able to offer solutions for:

  • ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) - Template, Database & Source Processing from a Client system or dataset to Rivur (e.g. bulk uploading and mid-project transfers)

  • Third-Party Systems (Output Data Feeds)

  • Functional Integrations (Periodic and Frequent synchronization of Rivur and Client source and destination systems)

  • File integrations (e.g. Document objects plus metadata)

  • Connectivity-dependent (API) data access (i.e. Client has access to connected data source, not just file outputs)

Use your ID’s, not ours

We will work with customers to store and report appropriate client key values (e.g. Account Codes, Project ID#’s) in our reports so that data output from Rivur is properly identified for external integrations.

Output Options

Rivur is able to make data available in the following formats:

  • CSV

  • HTML

  • PDF

  • XML

  • File Objects + Metadata

  • API


Rivur is a Solution


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